The KB4ARS VHF repeater is on air and available for use to anyone with a valid amateur radio license.

To access KB4ARS VHF set your radio to 147.390 (-0.6) pl 127.3 and if you have standard analog radio, set your tone setting to TONE SQL. This will eliminate your radio from receiving Fusion digital noise when the repeater is being used in Fusion mode. The repeater is capable of both analog and C4FM (Yaesu System Fusion) digital that will automatically mode switch between analog and digital depending on who keys the repeater last.


You may also access the KB4ARS VHF repeater via Echolink. Use KB4ARS-R or node # 90402 in the Echolink software to connect to the repeater from your wireless phone or computer. You must have an Echolink account and node number to use their software.

Download Echolink from http://www.echolink.org/download.htm

There are also mobile apps for both Apple and Android phones on the app store.

Please read the FAQ for important operating procedures for the iPhone and Android apps.

Radio Programming and Settings

Baofeng UV-5R and Similar

Recommended Model

Programming Software

Programming Instructions

How To Program a Baofeng Ham Radio Easy and FAST With CHIRP (Youtube)